IT Support Requests

At EMAX Solutions, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of IT support to ensure your operations run smoothly. To help us serve you better and more efficiently, we kindly request that all IT support requests be initiated by opening a ticket.

To open a ticket, you can:

Once you submit your ticket, and you will receive a confirmation email with your ticket number.

EMAX Solutions is undergoing an ISO 27001 accreditation process and ticket monitoring and resolution is now a requirement. No support can be provided without a valid ticket in our system.

Here are some key reasons why opening a ticket is essential:

  • Efficient Tracking and Resolution: Opening a ticket allows us to track your issue from the moment it is reported until it is fully resolved. This ensures nothing falls through the cracks, and you receive timely updates on the progress of your request.
  • Prioritization and Management: Our support system enables us to prioritize issues based on their urgency and impact on your operations. By opening a ticket, you help us allocate resources appropriately to address the most critical issues first.
  • Centralized Communication: When you open a ticket, all communications related to your issue are centralized in one place. This avoids miscommunication and ensures that all relevant information is accessible to the support team working on your issue.
  • Historical Record: Having a ticket history allows us to review past issues and solutions. This can be incredibly helpful in identifying recurring problems and improving our support processes to prevent future occurrences.
  • Accountability and Transparency: Each ticket is assigned to a specific support agent, ensuring accountability and a clear point of contact for you. Additionally, you can monitor the status of your ticket and see the steps being taken to resolve your issue.
  • Resource Optimization: By streamlining support requests through our ticketing system, we can better manage our team's workload and ensure that every issue is addressed as efficiently as possible.

Our support team is dedicated to resolving your issues promptly, and opening a ticket is the most effective way to ensure your concerns are addressed. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us enhance our support services.

What Information is Necessary

Subject Line: The subject line (on the email or on the ticket form) must clearly express the issue you are facing in short.

Screen Shots: Always include screen shots (full ones not snippets) in your email to help explain your problem better. Remember that we are not seeing what you are seeing.

Email Body: Take time to clearly explain your problem in some detail.

Accessing the Support Portal

You can access our support portal by visiting Let us know if you wish to view only tickets raised by yourself, or all tickets raised by your company employees.

Other Notes

Requesting support using WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS etc are supported. These requests will be ignored & deleted.

Support requests stating ‘Call me’ or ‘Need help’ etc without providing a clear explanation of your issue will be ignored. Please provide a clear description of the issue you are facing including screen shots.

Phone calls can only be made for business-critical issues. Our support number is +356 20 333 213. All other numbers (mobile or land line) are not supported and calls won’t be answered.

Sometimes we might not be in a position to answer your phone calls, thus always send your requests via email. Remember that your colleague can send us an email if your email is not working, or you can use the Submit a Ticket form from our portal